100% of this is true in 1/2 of Chris's brain. |
50% of all coffee is regular.
100% of the dry erase boards have writing on them.
The soup & salad deal was first conceived by Satan.
All illiterate employees will not comprehend this.
ZABAIONE comes from: Zaba - italian. Frozen. Ione - italian. Blood of Grimmace.
The photos framed on the walls were taken in Battlecreek, MI.
Limonatas are popular among girly men tired of ordering Shirley Temples.
Top: "Shoes for Crews" was re-named from its original, "Kicks for Dicks".
Bottom: Venn Diagram - Left: Spilled chocolate syrup. Right: Messy Bathroom.
Middle: Tough to explain
Do not adjust you're screen. It's blurry because I had a tray in my hand. HOT FOOD GO! |
7ft. - Extra Straws. 0.0ft - Fridge full of milk. 2.4 ft - Average height of busers.
The bottom two were formulated with the help of Beamer and Jonah. |
99.99% of people who consume a full meal will gain weight that day without exercise.
25% of the soup served in the Olive Garden is Minestrone.
For every cone cup used, a Gnome dies.
Our popular Apple Crostada is served a la mode with a pinch of mint and a hint of anger.
74% of OG knives have been used in a crime.
95% of OG employees are functioning alcoholics.
What was later added on top: Men with toothpicks in their mouth are more likely to mispronounce "Pasta E Fagioli". |
Hospitaliano comes from the Latin "Hospitaliano" meaning "No T.V's".
There are 237 lights hanging in the Olive Garden. 32 of them are endangered.
Vacuums were replaced by sweepers in attempts for the Olive Garden to "stop sucking".
There will be a test.
Some of these are great, keep it up! Your color scheme is grating.
ReplyDeleteAgreed. But I work with what I got during every 20 min intervals at work. They're protective of their markers.