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Server Woes #291

Disclaimer: For all intents and purposes, my employment will be left anonymous and referred to as the "Shmolive Garden." 

I know leaving $20 when the bill is $16.31 allows me a generous, bountiful $3. 69 tip to go towards my student loans, car insurance, car payment, cell phone bill, health care, dental, credit card bill, gas, groceries, new glasses, and into my savings account, so I understand why you felt that you really needed "just a few dollars" back. It is, of course, coming straight from your hard-earned social security fund that your generation will have to tell my generation all about someday. Like how nice it was.

I just always thought that once you left the table, you would be done thinking it over. Imagine my surprise when I watch you walk away, only to turn 180 due to a very hasty decision. Because you're right, it is just over 18%, and you learned differently from the economic standards and practices based in 1955. Why change change now? (Cheap pun)

After all, Poli-Grip doesn't come cheap these days either, and we both know how much you and your wife get use from it when not smiling out in public.


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