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NFL Lockout?

Opening season of baseball was the other day and football is still getting more coverage on ESPN, despite the scare there may not BE football this year. And forget about talking hockey; they're only preparing for the playoffs.

Hockey is treated on ESPN like the ginger stepchild that keeps tugging at your pant leg for attention only to find out he brought home a slip stating he got in trouble at school and you have to sign off knowing so. "How come it can never be something positive!? Yes, maybe you should think about the consequences before you go for a cheap head shot!"

..... ............. Eh....
Not my best ginger parent impression.

There's no chance a lockout will follow thru in the NFL. It's too much of a money-making monster machine for owners and players to let it go to waste. Yeah, yeah, I hate to sound like that A- typical ignoramus blaming it all on the money, but it's true and I'm not looking to bleed out every detail.

Something's gotta give without legal jurisdiction. Talk is cheap, but a billion bucks SHOUTS! Of course individual pride is on the line right now, but that will dissipate shortly after the trophy wives get involved. Once they find out their in danger of losing a third home for their child's pet hamster in St. Martin, white handkerchiefs will be flailed from the breast pocket of every three-piece Alexander Amosu  sitting in the finest leatherite tapestry executive chairs Dehli has to offer. Nobody circles the wagons when it has to do with bills...

See what I did there?

Unfortunately no matter how valid each argument, most of those involved will left perceived as "greedy" to the public that got them in the spot light to make these multi-billion dollar demands.

Skeptics and pessimistic fans will have something negative to find no matter what the result. What maybe a good day for either owner or player, the fans still lose. Bottom line- I demand a free T-shirt from Ralph Wilson for my continued patronage.

As you were.

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